Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekly Update, Monday, November 7, 2016

I hope everyone enjoyed another beautiful Virginia weekend!  The husband and I hung curtains, moved furniture, and watched the Eagles lose to the Giants - jealous?  I bet your child did something more fun - PLEASE SEND ME PHOTOS!  If your child doesn't want you to send a picture, please send a picture of your pet if you have one!

Reminders for this week:

1) I have made it to the top three finalists for Turkey of the Year!  Please encourage your students to read, turn in the Turkey of the Year voting form (I have extras if they need them), and then vote for me on Friday!

2) The Read-a-Thon has begun!  Students should be logging the minutes they read at home on the Read-a-Thon website.   Please consider making a donation - or asking your coworkers, parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and friends to make a donation!

The second quarter starts on Wednesday, if you cancelled your conference, please email me a time that will work well for you this week!  Thank you!