Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekly Update, Monday, November 7, 2016

I hope everyone enjoyed another beautiful Virginia weekend!  The husband and I hung curtains, moved furniture, and watched the Eagles lose to the Giants - jealous?  I bet your child did something more fun - PLEASE SEND ME PHOTOS!  If your child doesn't want you to send a picture, please send a picture of your pet if you have one!

Reminders for this week:

1) I have made it to the top three finalists for Turkey of the Year!  Please encourage your students to read, turn in the Turkey of the Year voting form (I have extras if they need them), and then vote for me on Friday!

2) The Read-a-Thon has begun!  Students should be logging the minutes they read at home on the Read-a-Thon website.   Please consider making a donation - or asking your coworkers, parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and friends to make a donation!

The second quarter starts on Wednesday, if you cancelled your conference, please email me a time that will work well for you this week!  Thank you!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Weekly Update, October 30, 2016

Information went home about this year's Read-a-thon last week.  Your child has already set up his or her fundraising page, thank you to everyone who has ALREADY donated money!  To access your child's page, visit: Your child has the code to login to his or her page in the back of his or her homework folder.

The Read-a-Thon is an amazing fundraiser because it truly promotes students to READ!  Last year I rewarded three students who went above and beyond  and spent a Saturday afternoon with them at The Zone bowling.  THIS year, I've changed up the reward a little bit.    
This year my prize is a movie afternoon with me (on a Saturday!) and a trip to get frozen yogurt for the following students:
1) The top fundraiser - the child who raises the most money
2) The student with the MOST sponsors
3) The student who READS the most!

My class was the winner in the whole school last year, and I'd like to remain undefeated!

I was fortunate enough to be nominated for the third year in a row to be Turkey of the Year!  Students may bring in their slips on Friday that has the total number of hours they read with a parent signature to receive tickets to vote!  If you misplaced the paper, just send in a note with the amount of hours your child read with a signature and I will accept that.  Will this be the year I finally win?!

If your conference is after 4:00 pm, please text me at 703-307-1113 so I can let you in! Please text me as well if you are running late.  

The rest of the weekly update....
What a beautiful weekend, I hope everyone spent some of it outside!  I had fun trick-or-treating with this two-year old dinosaur:
Please send photos of your little ones in costume so I can feature their pictures on our morning message!

A HUGE thank you to Claudia Thomas for all the planning and execution of an AMAZING Fall Party!  Thank you also to Christine Curtis for all the help setting up, cleaning up, and operating the donut eating challenge!  The kids obviously had a great time and enjoyed all the food and games.  Thank you also to all the parents who contributed goodies!

This week in...

Virginia studies: Students are loving learning about Jamestown!  I've been reading Blood on the River, a historical fiction novel about the colonization of Jamestown and the hardships faced by the colonists.  Students received week 7 of their Virginia Studies Weekly last week, they will have an open-note quiz on Tuesday.  .  

Science: Students began learning about some vocabulary related to our next unit about the Earth, moon, and sun.  Students will have a quiz on these vocabulary words on Thursday, all of the words and definitions are in their science notebook.  The words are: axis, phases, rotation, revolution, satellite, orbit, earth-centered model, and sun-centered model.  .  

Reading: Students began practicing differentiating between fact and opinion this week within their reading.  Additionally, students will continue to show me how they are making predictions within their reading to demonstrate their comprehension.  We will focus on reviewing a lot of reading strategies we've learned this first quarter this week in Reader's Workshop.  New reading logs will go home tomorrow!  Make sure your child is reading AS MUCH AS HE OR SHE CAN EACH NIGHT!!  Children should also be filling out the BACK of their reading log each night as well.  

Writing: Students will receive new word study words tomorrow and have a test on Friday as usual.  Students will focus on how to use reference materials this week, specifically the dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary.  

Math: All fourth grade students are expected to complete three sessions of Reflex Math per week unless they are 100% fluent with their multiplication and division facts.  

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, November 2 at 7:10: Walk to School Day
Friday, November 4: End of first grading period
Friday, November 4: Read-a-Thon Begins!
Monday, November 7: Student Holiday
Tuesday, November 8: Student Holiday
Wednesday, November 9: Monday Schedule AND Family Life Education Class
Thursday, November 10: Family Life Education Class
Thursday, November 10 at 11:30 am: Parent Coffee "BYOT"
Thursday, November 10 at 6:30 pm: Family Reading Night

Friday, November 11 from 8:00 to 9:45: Veteran's Day Parade and Speakers
Monday, November 14 at 6:30 pm: PTA Meeting

Tuesday, November 15: American Education Week Activity from 12:35 to 1:35 PLEASE COME VISIT OUR CLASS!  I'll send out more information at a later date about this!
Wednesday November 16: Report Cards Go Home
Friday, November 18 at 6:00 pm: Basket Bingo Fundraiser
Wednesday November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 29 at 10:15: Author Visit Jennifer O'Connell

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekly Update, October 23, 2016

I hope everyone enjoyed the changing leaves and had a great fall weekend!  

Image result for autumn animals

Fall Pictures
Your child received their fall pictures on Thursday. All students received a picture package if their picture was taken. You may keep the package if you have paid for it. If you did not purchase pictures, you will have the option to buy the pictures.  Instructions for purchasing are inside each picture envelope.  Please have your child return their pictures if they are not interested in purchasing the proof.

If you do not like the pictures, or your child did not receive photos,  there is a makeup picture day on December 6th.  You will need to return your child's picture package for retakes.  More information will follow closer to December 6th regarding the makeup picture day. 

Fall Party
Our fall party will be this Friday, October 28 from 12:15 to 1:45.
You should have already received an email with the sign-up to contribute items  here it is again if you need it: 


Other random items:

  • Please send in your photos of your kids, they love seeing them on the morning message!
  • I will be going by Mrs. Bernstein moving forward, but will not be changing my email address in the near future because of logistics/ paperwork.  

This week in...

Virginia studies: Students began learning about the English colonists settling in Jamestown last week, they've been enjoying a new read aloud called Blood on the River which is a historical fiction novel describing the settlement of the first permanent English colony from a 12 year old's point of view.  Ask your child about, the kids are loving it!  Students received Week 6 of their Virginia Studies weekly last week, they already knew a lot of the answers to the puzzles from listening so closely to Blood on the River!  Students will have an open-note quiz on their VA Studies Weekly Newspaper on Tuesday, October 25th.  As a reminder, students can play additional games and review by going to  The username and password is their lunch number and birthday.  

Science: Students did well on their planets quiz last week, we will begin learning about the Earth, sun, and moon next and the difference between rotation and revolution.

Writing: Students will receive their new Word study words tomorrow and will have their Word Study test on Friday, October 28th.   In writing workshop this week students will learn about new strategies to develop ideas for stories and how to use their own voice in their writing.

Reading: Students began writing reading response letters to me last week.  This allows students to demonstrate their understanding to me about the independent book they are reading and gives them an opportunity to chose what to tell me about.  I respond to readers with follow up questions so we can continue an ongoing communication about their book.  Students are expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes nightly and record their reading in their reading log.  

Math: All fourth grade students are expected to go on Reflex Math three times a week until they are 100% fluent.  If you would like to know how fluent your child is in his or her multiplication facts, please email his or her math teacher.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, October 28 from 12:15 - 1:45: Fall Party
Saturday, October 29: Pinebrook Color Run
Wednesday, November 2 at 7:10: Walk to School Day
Friday, November 4: End of first grading period
Friday, November 4: Read-a-Thon Begins!
Monday, November 7: Student Holiday
Tuesday, November 8: Student Holiday
Wednesday, November 9: Monday Schedule AND Family Life Education Class
Thursday, November 10: Family Life Education Class
Thursday, November 10 at 11:30 am: Parent Coffee "BYOT"
Thursday, November 10 at 6:30 pm: Family Reading Night

Monday, November 14 at 6:30 pm: PTA Meeting
Tuesday, November 15: American Education Week Activity from 12:35 to 1:35 PLEASE COME VISIT OUR CLASS!  I'll send out more information at a later date about this!
Wednesday November 16: Report Cards Go Home
Friday, November 18 at 6:00 pm: Basket Bingo Fundraiser
Wednesday November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 29 at 10:15: Author Visit Jennifer O'Connell

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday 16, 2016

Greetings from Mrs. Bernstein!  My apologies for not sending a weekly update last weekend, but as I'm sure your child mentioned, I got married last Sunday!  Thank you for all the well wishes.  I will not be changing my name officially until summer, but will answer to both Mrs. Bernstein and Ms. Akbar.  You all can of course just call me Alysha!

Parent/Teacher Conferences begin this week, if your conference time is AFTER 4:00 pm, please text me at 703-307-1113 when you are outside so I can come let you in.  The front office staff leaves at 4:00 pm, and I will need to let you in.  If you have not already signed up for a conference, please do so at Akbar Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-up

Also, if you have a photograph of your child from the weekend that you would like to share, or a photo of your family pet, PLEASE email it to me!  The kids love seeing their picture on the morning announcements when they walk into class.  Here are some photos of my weekend with my 2 year old nephew and husband... and a couple dozen of my favorite animals at the Reston Zoo!
We fed a baby giraffe named Waffles!

The zoo has a sloth named Priscilla, I love her!

Goat feeding :)

Petting the Watusi cow.

My husband petting a bison!

Feeding a llama!

Loved feeding these friendly, furry sweethearts!

This week in...

Virginia studies: students will have a test on the Native American unit on Tuesday, October 18th.  We will review tomorrow, and I encourage students to use their notebooks and to study!  Students enjoyed acting as archaeologists on Friday, hopefully they told you about the artifacts they discovered!

Science: we began learning about the solar system last week, specifically the order of the planets from the sun, as well as the order of the planets from largest to smallest.  Students will have a quiz on these concepts on Thursday, October 20th.   They need to remember three main things: 1) The order of the planets from the sun (My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.  - Back in my day, Pluto used to be a planet, this generation has one less planet to learn!)  2) The order of the planets from largest to smallest (Just Sing Until Noon, Every Voice Makes Music. = Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.)  3) Which planets are gas giants, and which planets are terrestrial (rock).

Writing: Students will get a new set of word study words this week and will be tested on Friday, October 21st.  In writing workshop this week students will work on finding their voice as a writer, as well as learning the correct format to write a friendly letter.

Reading: Students are developing well as accountable readers every day and working well to explain their thinking when reading their fiction books.  They are enjoying both read alouds, Absolutely Almost and Blood on the River.  Students are expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes nightly and record the number of pages and minutes they read on their October reading log.

Math: All fourth grade students are expected to complete three sessions of Reflex Math per week.  It is fine if students need to complete any or all of their sessions on the weekend due to weekly activities.  

Upcoming dates: 

Monday, October 17 @ 6:30 - PTA Meeting
Tuesday, October 18 @ 11:15 - Parent Coffee "How do we fit it all in?"
Friday, October 28 @ 1:15 - 2:30: Class Fall Party
Saturday, October 29 @ 8:30 - Pinebrook Color Run
Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th: Teacher workdays, student holidays

Monday, October 3, 2016

My mistake!

Interims actually go home on Wednesday, not today!  My apologies - if your child has one, it will be sent home on Wednesday.  Thanks!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Weekly Update, October 2, 2018

Thank you to anyone who sent in a hat for Ellie's Hat Drive!  The school collected 185 hats for children who lose their hair due to cancer treatments.

Interims will go home tomorrow - only students who have a 2 or below will receive an interim.  It will be stapled into your child's agenda.  If your child has an interim report, please sign the bottom and have your child return it.  

My apologies for those of you who have been checking ParentVue and not seeing grades!  Phoenix (the program in which I enter my grades) is continually updating their software, and for some reason the "allow parents to see grades" box was not checked on a lot of assignments.  There are about 14 options I have to select before I can enter grades in for any given assignment, so my apologies for the long wait.  You should be able to check ParentVue now to see all grades, which will correlate to all the assignments that have been coming home in Thursday folders.  

This week in...

Virginia studies: Students will begin learning about the Native American groups that live and lived in Virginia, there was a humongous printing error with the two Virginia Studies weekly newspaper issues that teach the kids about the American Indians.  Because of this error, I did not assign students to read their newspapers this week and take a quiz for a grade.

Science: I hope students told you all about the amazing watershed demonstration they created, there are photos and videos available on my twitter feed @educatorakbar
Students will continue to learn about Virginia's natural resources this week.
The test on this unit will be on Friday, October 7th!  Students should review the study guide that went home two weeks ago as well as their Science Interactive notebook, and  

Reading:  Students will continue to synthesize their reading and analyze how characters develop in their reading.  New reading logs were distributed last week, please make sure your child is filling out BOTH sides of their reading log - the pages and minutes read nightly, AND the title of the book they are reading on the back of the page.

Language arts: Students will receive new word study words tomorrow.  PLEASE check to see that they are following the instructions correctly.  All assignments are listed on the inside front cover of their Word Study notebook.
Students have been combining what they are learning about watersheds with their writing in their "Journey of a Raindrop" stories.  Students have been creating stories that describe the journey a raindrop takes through the watershed and working through the writing process: brainstorm, draft, editing, revising, publishing.
As usual, students will take their Word Study Test on Friday.

Math: Please make sure your child is going on Reflex Math AT LEAST 3 times a week, this can include weekends if your weeknights are too busy to get all three sessions in.

Upcoming Events: 
Monday, 10/3: Scholastic Book Fair Begins
Tuesday, 10/4: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night from 3-6 pm
Wednesday, 10/5: Walk to School Day @ 7:10 am
Sunday, 10/9: I get married!
Monday, 10/10: Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
Monday, 10/17: PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Tuesday, 10/18: Parent Coffee @ 11:15 am "How do we all fit in?"

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, September 25, 2016

I'll start with what your kids really want me to focus on - SPIRIT WEEK!

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month, Pinebrook is hosting a hat drive.
Please donate a NEW hat.  All donations will be given to Ellie's Hats Foundation and will be distributed to children who have lost their hair because of cancer treatments.  We will also be raising awareness through spirit week.  

Monday - Pajama day!  Wear your PJs to school.
Tuesday - Twin day!  
Wednesday - Wear a hat to school.
Thursday - Mismatch day!
Friday - Wear gold or yellow 

Sign up for a conference here: Conference Sign Up

Sign up to volunteer to stuff Thursday folders here: Thursday Folder Volunteer

This week in:

Virginia Studies: Students will begin to learn about the native American groups that lived/ live in Virginia and how American Indians used the natural resources of Virginia to live.  Students will review the major waterways of Virginia tomorrow, and have a quick quiz on the waterways on Tuesday.  Students need to know the location of the major waterways we've studied (Potomac River, Rappahanock River, York River, James River, Chesapeake Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Dismal Swamp, and Lake Drummond).  Students should use to review AND their VA Studies notebook.  

Science: Students will continue to learn about the natural resources of Virginia.  We will continue to explore how "we all live downstream."  Students will reinforce their understanding about watersheds through their writing this week.  

Reading: Students will continue to develop their comprehension skills by practicing multiple strategies like making connections, retelling, and actively thinking about their reading.  
Homework: Students should read for 20 minutes nightly and record the pages and minutes read on the calendar side, and the books they are reading on the back of the page.

Writing: Students will work on their own story about the journey of a raindrop this week.  They will work through the writing process to create a story that demonstrates their understanding of how the way we treat the environment affects all of us.  Students will receive new word study words this week.
Homework: Word study.  The list of assignments are glued to the front cover of each student's word study notebooks.  

Upcoming Dates: 
Monday, 9/26: Fall After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP) begins
Monday, 9/26: Ellie's Hat Drive Begins
Tuesday, 9/27: Critical Thinking Night
Wednesday, 9/28: Believe Kids Fundraiser Packets Due
Wednesday, 9/28: Girl Scout Information Meeting @ 6:30
Friday, 9/30: PICTURE DAY!
Friday, 9/30: Community Night at John Champe HS
Saturday, 10/1: Fall Festival at 4:00 pm
Monday, 10/3: Scholastic Book Fair Begins
Tuesday, 10/4: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night 3-6 pm
Wednesday, 10/5: Walk to school Day @ 7:10 am
Monday, 10/10: Columbus Day, NO SCHOOL!