Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday 16, 2016

Greetings from Mrs. Bernstein!  My apologies for not sending a weekly update last weekend, but as I'm sure your child mentioned, I got married last Sunday!  Thank you for all the well wishes.  I will not be changing my name officially until summer, but will answer to both Mrs. Bernstein and Ms. Akbar.  You all can of course just call me Alysha!

Parent/Teacher Conferences begin this week, if your conference time is AFTER 4:00 pm, please text me at 703-307-1113 when you are outside so I can come let you in.  The front office staff leaves at 4:00 pm, and I will need to let you in.  If you have not already signed up for a conference, please do so at Akbar Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-up

Also, if you have a photograph of your child from the weekend that you would like to share, or a photo of your family pet, PLEASE email it to me!  The kids love seeing their picture on the morning announcements when they walk into class.  Here are some photos of my weekend with my 2 year old nephew and husband... and a couple dozen of my favorite animals at the Reston Zoo!
We fed a baby giraffe named Waffles!

The zoo has a sloth named Priscilla, I love her!

Goat feeding :)

Petting the Watusi cow.

My husband petting a bison!

Feeding a llama!

Loved feeding these friendly, furry sweethearts!

This week in...

Virginia studies: students will have a test on the Native American unit on Tuesday, October 18th.  We will review tomorrow, and I encourage students to use their notebooks and to study!  Students enjoyed acting as archaeologists on Friday, hopefully they told you about the artifacts they discovered!

Science: we began learning about the solar system last week, specifically the order of the planets from the sun, as well as the order of the planets from largest to smallest.  Students will have a quiz on these concepts on Thursday, October 20th.   They need to remember three main things: 1) The order of the planets from the sun (My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.  - Back in my day, Pluto used to be a planet, this generation has one less planet to learn!)  2) The order of the planets from largest to smallest (Just Sing Until Noon, Every Voice Makes Music. = Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.)  3) Which planets are gas giants, and which planets are terrestrial (rock).

Writing: Students will get a new set of word study words this week and will be tested on Friday, October 21st.  In writing workshop this week students will work on finding their voice as a writer, as well as learning the correct format to write a friendly letter.

Reading: Students are developing well as accountable readers every day and working well to explain their thinking when reading their fiction books.  They are enjoying both read alouds, Absolutely Almost and Blood on the River.  Students are expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes nightly and record the number of pages and minutes they read on their October reading log.

Math: All fourth grade students are expected to complete three sessions of Reflex Math per week.  It is fine if students need to complete any or all of their sessions on the weekend due to weekly activities.  

Upcoming dates: 

Monday, October 17 @ 6:30 - PTA Meeting
Tuesday, October 18 @ 11:15 - Parent Coffee "How do we fit it all in?"
Friday, October 28 @ 1:15 - 2:30: Class Fall Party
Saturday, October 29 @ 8:30 - Pinebrook Color Run
Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th: Teacher workdays, student holidays

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