Friday, August 28, 2015

2015 - 2016 School Year, 1st Class Update for Ms. Akbar's 4th Grade Class!
Welcome to the new school year!  It was a pleasure meeting everyone who came to the Open House on Thursday.  Thank you for bringing in supplies and your blue transportation forms.
If you didn't have a chance to make it on Thursday, BLUE TRANSPORTATION FORMS MUST BE TURNED IN ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!  Please make sure your child brings it in with them when they walk in at 7:30 am!  For those of you who were concerned about bus number changes, all students grades kindergarten through fifth grade will receive a sticker as they exit the bus with their bus number, I will record it and make sure they know what bus they are going to get on in the afternoon!
Please make sure all necessary forms from the "First Day Packet" are returned with your child on Monday!  
That's actually all I have for right now, I hope everyone is excited for a new school year!!!

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