Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework and Next Week

Good evening parents.  I just wanted to remind you to check your son or daughter's homework folder nightly.   On Thursdays all the graded papers and information sent out by the school will be in this folder.  Please send back any correspondence you want me to see in this folder.

Here's a brief overview of what went on this week and what's coming up.

This week in...

Science: Students had a great time building and creating a watershed!  We polluted our watershed models with glitter, confetti, and food coloring - ask them what each of these materials represented during this project and what they learned about where the pollution goes!  We also had a great time with our 1st grade STEAM buddies, ask your child about it if they haven't already told you!

Virginia Studies: Students continued learning about Virginia's waterways.  Students will have an open-note quiz on the waterways and may use their Virginia Studies Weekly to complete it.  The Virginia Studies Newspaper is due tomorrow.  The newspapers were assigned on Monday, and students are expected to complete the crossword on the back, highlight where they found their answers within the newspaper, and complete the "Let's Write" section on the back page.  (They may use a blank sheet of paper for the "Let's Write" part.)  Students who completed it early were rewarded today for being responsible!

Writing: Students are writing the second draft of their expository essay on the five regions of our state.  We learned about editing marks and how to correct capitalization, indenting, and so on.  You'll be impressed when these essays go home!  Word Study is due tomorrow, students were expected to complete assignments totaling 100 points for the week and were given time in class to complete this.  The Word Study test will be next Friday.

Reading: Students have worked hard to think deeply about what they're reading and respond to their books.  Please make sure your child is reading at home nightly and practices reading aloud for a few minutes using expression.  Ask you child about his or her goal this week!

Next week in...

Science: We will finish learning about Virginia's natural resources (trees and minerals) and I will distribute the study guide for the first science test.  This test will be the week of October 5th, I'll keep you posted about a definite date.

Virginia Studies: We will have our first test on Virginia's bordering states, regions, and waterways on Wednesday of next week.  I will send home the study guide tomorrow.  A great resource to study with is  The password is Pinebrook.  Students used this resource last week and should be familiar with it.  Students will also receive another VA Studies Weekly on Monday, this is an excellent resource to use to study.

Writing: As we finish writing our essays, students will begin to write persuasive pieces which will tie into our next big project: creating an advertisement to use Virginia's many resources!

Reading: Students will begin writing me letters to tell me about their reading and we will finish up DRA testing!

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or anything you think I need to know!  

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