Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, September 18, 2016

It was LOVELY meeting the majority of you on Thursday at Back to School Night.  For those of you in the first session, thank you for indulging me and dancing around the room, I'm sure your children were impressed you earned some Puma Paws for them!  If you couldn't make it on Thursday I'm sending home the information about my class that was given out home on Thursday, in Thursday folders.

Thank you for turning in the money for recorders so quickly too, there were a handful of students who still need to bring in $6 and the permission slip, this is your friendly reminder to send it in tomorrow :)

This week in...

Reading: We will continue to read Absolutely Almost as a class and I will model how to retell the story and synthesize reading.  Sttudents will use their own books to practice retelling and synthesizing their reading.  Students will also continue to visualize their reading, and we will start to focus on how to interpret characters.  This week students will also begin the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA's).  I will listen to students read aloud and students will demonstrate their comprehension skills as well.
Homework: Read for a minimum of 20 minutes nightly, record reading in reading log.

Writing: Students will receive new word study words this week.  Tomorrow we will go over expectations for this work and students will be given time in class to work on the assignments.  Any unfinished word study work will be expected to be completed for homework.  In Writer's Workshop students will continue to write their realistic fiction stories and develop their characters.
Homework: Word study assignments  (will be glued into notebooks tomorrow)

Virginia Studies: Students will review the first topics we've covered and will have a quiz on Tuesday!  Students will be expected to know the bordering states of Virginia, the five regions of Virginia in the correct order, and the names of all the waterways we've discussed.  I encourage students to use their VA Studies notebooks to review.  I also encourage students to use to study, if it prompts you for a password, it's "pinebrook"  There will NOT be a VA Studies Weekly this week,
Homework: Study for quiz on Tuesday, go on to review.

Science:  Your kids will begin learning about the Chesapeake Bay watershed and what a watershed is this week.  We will discuss the journey of a raindrop and how to keep our watershed clean.

NEW: Throughout the year I like to include a photo of a student, or a student's pet on my morning message.  Kids love seeing themselves when they walk into the classroom, and it adds some excitement to the morning, "Who's going to be on the board today!?"  Please email me a photo of your child from over the weekend doing something fun, or a photo of your pet!  If you're going to Cox Farms next weekend, send me a photo of it!  If you went to a sporting event and took a photo - send it to me!  This obviously isn't a requirement, just something fun for the class!  You can pick one from your phone and send it to  

Please email me any questions, comments, or anything else at  

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