Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Two BIG items!

1. Fall student pictures are coming home with your child.  All students should be receiving a picture package if their picture was taken.  A student may keep the package if they have paid for it.  Students who did not purchase will have the option to buy the pictures.  Instructions for purchasing are inside each envelope.  Please have the student return if they are not interested in purchasing the proof.
If you do NOT like the pictures, there is a makeup picture day on December 9th.  More information will follow closer to December 9th regarding the makeup picture day. 

2.  2015 Impact Aid Program Survey Forms are coming home TOMORROW in "Thursday" folders!
We must have a signed and dated form returned by each student. If not, please return home with student as we can’t accept without signature and date.
All families, regardless of where parents work, should complete this form.

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