Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Weekly Update, November 3rd, 2015

Are your children enjoying their four day weekend!?!

Because this is a short week, we will not have Word Study, I will give out new words next week.

This week in:
Reading: We will continue to look at nonfiction texts and how we can become experts on a topic.
KEEP ENCOURAGING YOUR CHILD TO READ, I'VE BEEN NOMINATED FOR TURKEY OF THE YEAR AND NEED THEIR VOTES TO GET ELECTED!  Wouldn't it be fun for your children to learn from a turkey for a day?!  Ugly turkey in the photo says, "VOTE FOR MS. AKBAR!"

Writing: We will work on grammar this week and focus on homophones.
Students will have a quiz on the following common homophones THIS FRIDAY, November 6th: 
two, to, and too
your and you're
their, there, and they're
it's and its

Virginia Studies: We will continue to learn about the relationships between the Native Americans and the English as the colonists make Jamestown a permanent settlement.  Students will have an open note quiz using their VA Studies Weekly Newspaper on Thursday, November 5th.  

Science: We will wrap up our Earth, Moon, and Sun unit and learn more about the age, composition, and size of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, as well as historical contributions of Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Galileo.  Stay tuned for the test date!

Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, November 4th: First day of the 2nd quarter!
Monday, November 9th: Phoenix Parent Night Information Meeting!  It will be at 6:30 in the Pinebrook Library.
Wednesday, November 11th: Veterans Day celebration from 8:30 to 10:30 am AND report cards will be sent home
Monday, November 16th:  PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Week of November 16th: American Education Week
Friday, November 20th: Basket Bingo, doors open at 6:00 pm!

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