Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekly Update, May 9th, 2016

My apologies for not getting this post to you before the end of the weekend.  I hope you were all enjoying your Mother's Day celebrations and too busy enjoying your families to even think about the work/school week.

I am humbled by the outpouring of generosity from you all this past week!  Thank you for making my Teacher Appreciation Week SO special and sweet!  The decorations, cards, gifts, and kind words mean so much to me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This week in Academia: 

Virginia studies: We will finish our last unit of Virginia studies this week!  We will have a quiz on the three branches of government and the products and industries of each region on Thursday, May 12th.  Students will be expected to know the difference between agricultural products and manufactured products, as well as the significance of the federal government on Virginia's economy.  We will be reviewing daily for the VA Studies SOL Assessment, which is Tuesday, May 17th.  Please make sure your child is completing the assigned activities and games on the review schedule!

Writing: Students have been finishing up their reading response letters about their book club book, these will be returned in Thursday folders for a writing and reading grade.  This week for word study we will be focusing on prefixes, suffixes, and root words.  Students will receive a packet, similar to a few weeks back, and will be tested on them next Friday, May 20th.  Although there are recommended dates for the assignments, students will have two weeks to complete them.

Reading: Reading logs are due this Friday, May 13th.  We've been preparing daily for our reading SOL by reviewing passages, and just good old-fashioned independent reading.  Released SOL practice tests are posted on the following page (for all subjects, not just reading.) Please take some time to review some passages with your child:

A note about SOL testing: 
In previous years the fourth grade team has given students candy or mints to have during the test sessions.  This year we will not permit candy or mints, we will not be providing them, and they will not be permitted to bring them.  If you have any questions about this, please just ask me!

Thank you, and as always, email me if you have any questions about anything!

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