Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, May 22nd, 2016



Thank you to those parents who returned the Party Permission form and money as well as the LCPS SOL Retake letter so quickly!!!

If you have not turned in both of these items, please send them in with your child tomorrow!  Also - on the LCPS form, please make sure you include your child's name!

Wednesday, May 25th @ 8:00 am - Reading SOL Assessment, Part 1
Wednesday, May 25th - Fitness Night and Bike Rodeo
Thursday, May 26th @ 8:00 am - Reading SOL Assessment, Part 2
Monday, May 30th - Memorial Day, No School
Tuesday, May 31st @ 8:00 am - Math SOL Assessment, Part 1
Wednesday, June 1st @ 8:00 am - Math SOL Assessment, Part 2

Friday, June 3rd @ 8:30 am - Volunteer Breakfast
Friday, June 3rd @ 6:00 pm - Ice Cream Social
Monday, June 6th - Gum Spring Library Visit
Wednesday, June 8th - Field Day
Tuesday, June 14th - Last Day of School

This week in Academia:

Tomorrow and Friday students will review and practice a lot of math!  The fourth grade teachers have each chosen a math topic to review with the entire fourth grade, and tomorrow we will continue with these rotations.  Ask your child about it!

We will continue to practice reading SOL passages and questions so students feel comfortable for their tests on Wednesday and Thursday.  Students should continue to read at home as well.

No more Word Study!  Students will continue to work on their Poetry Packets this week.

Students have been learning about the different parts of the plants and how plants reproduce.  This week we will build and label plants as well as continue to learn about photosynthesis.

Virginia studies:
No more Image result for sad face

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