Monday, February 22, 2016

Vocabulary Assignments for this Week

Students were given eight new vocabulary words and definitions today.  They are:

A form of energy made by electrons
current electricity
The flow of free electrons along a pathway such as a wire
static electricity
Electrons that do not flow, but build up on a material
The pathway on which current travels
Materials that do not allow electricity to flow
Materials that allow electrical currents to pass more easily
A force that can attract or repel certain substances
A magnet created by the flow of electric current

Their assignments for this week are as follows:
Monday - Illustrate and label all eight words
Tuesday - Write four complete sentences using four vocabulary words.  The sentences may not be definitions, and must demonstrate that you know what the word means.
Wednesday - Same assignment as Tuesday, with the remaining four words you didn't already use.
Thursday - Study and have your parents quiz you on the words
FRIDAY - Vocabulary QUIZ!

Which of my students said the following today:
"Ms. Akbar, don't eat that cookie or else you won't fit in your wedding dress!"  

I ate the cookie.  

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