Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Update, February 15th, 2016

Happy President's Day!

(Last year's photos of my nephew on President's Day!)

Are we going to have another snow day tomorrow?

A big thank you to Kim Sullivan, Mikey's mom, who arranged a delicious and fun Valentine's Day Party!  Students had fun exchanging Valentine's Day cards, looking at each other's homemade boxes, playing "stack the candy hearts," devouring chocolate covered strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and pretzels, and trying to get an Oreo cookie from their forehead to their mouth without their hands!  Thank you Kim for also setting a great example to the class with your "Count the Change" guessing game and donating over $8 to the Pennies for Patients cause! Thank you to Priscilla Quesada, Santiago's mom, for the photos!  I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday and stayed warm!

Please sign the bottom portion of your child's report card and have him or her return it WITH the envelope tomorrow! 

This week in...
Virginia Studies: The unit test for the New Nation unit will be on Thursday, February 18th, regardless if we have a snow day tomorrow.  The unit was fairly short, and the test will cover the contributions of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason.  Students should review the three notepages in their VA Studies notebook, as well as the foldable we made that compares and contrasts the differences between the VA Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute of Religious freedom.  Students also need to know about America's migration west.  Students should have their VA Studies notebook in their backpacks, they packed them in their bags on Friday in case of snow!  As always, please use the study guide on!

Reading: We will begin our next unit on researching nonfiction and students will work in small groups on a new research project relating to the American Revolution. Students enjoyed reading and being read to by their first grade buddies on Friday, how does your child enjoy working with the first graders?  Homework this week is to read for 20 minutes nightly and record the minutes and pages on the reading log.

Writing: Students are expected to complete all 8 assignments given last Monday.  The Word Study Test is on Friday, February 19th.  Students will also work on organizing notes on their nonfiction topic, as well as summarizing nonfiction.  

Science: Students will recognize the differences between heat, mechanical, and light energy.  We will also begin to build circuits if time allows this week!

Important Dates:
Pennies for Patients continues through this week!
Monday, February 15th:  Presidents' Day - No school
Monday, February 15th:  Random Acts of Kindness Week Begins
Thursday, February 16th, 7:00 pm:  Elementary Gifted Information Session at Buffalo Trail Elementary School
Thursday, February 18th: Monday Schedule
Friday, February 19th: 
   Box Tops and Labels for Education Collection
    8:40 AM Principal's List Assembly  in the cafeteria
    6:30 pm - 8:00 pm:  Someone Special Dance 

Monday, February 22nd:  Spirit Week Begins:
  Monday:  Wear Pinebrook Gear
  Tuesday:  Twin Day
  Wednesday:  Wacky Wear / Wacky Hair Day
  Thursday:  Throwback or Backwards Day
  Friday:  Dress Like It's Saturday

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2:35 - 4:00 pm:  Jump Rope for Heart (Grades 1 & 2) in the gym at school

Tuesday, March 1st: Virginia Presidential Primary Election
Thursday, March 3rd: Spring Photos
Monday, March 8th, 6:30 pm:  PTA Fine Arts and Cultures Night
Wednesday, March 9th:  3rd Quarter Interim Progress Reports Go Home
Monday, March 14th, 6:30 pm:  PTA General Meeting in the Library at School
Monday, March 21st - Friday, March 25th:  Spring Break

Pennies for Patients:
What: Pennies for Patients is a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Pinebrook community will be raising funds. 
Where: Our classroom and school. Students may bring in money and deposit in our classroom collection box, they will be given their own box to collect donations tomorrow.
When: Feb 8th-26th. 
Why: It is a service learning, character education and philanthropy program that gives students a unique experience by making a difference through teamwork—working together to aid thousands of children and adults in the fight against blood cancers like leukemia.
Dates to remember:
Monday Feb 8th- P4P begins. Students will take home information and their own box!
Our Goal is $3000.00 I am sure we reach it with your help and encouragement! We raised $2,700 last year, we know we can reach $3,000.

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