Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, February 7th, 2016

My sincere apologies for the late post, the little guy below kept me busy all day!
I never stop teaching history!

Third quarter begins tomorrow which means your kiddos are officially halfway through fourth grade!  I've loved watching them develop reading and writing skills since the beginning of the year, take an interest in Virginia history (yes, I've stopped taxing them), and watch them teach what they know about science to first graders.  Thank you for your continued support at home and ensuring they completed the Snow Day assignments.  
In the event we have more snow days, their only homework will be:
1. Read 30 minutes
2. Reflex Math if they are not 100% fluent
3. 2 games on for the current unit of VA Studies we are on and 2 games on for the current unit of science we are on.
4. Give you a bear hug.  

Focus for the week:
Reading: We finished Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library last week, and focused on small details that the author includes.  This week we will continue to look closely at how characters develop and differentiating between fact and opinion.
Language Arts: Students will receive new word study words tomorrow, the Word Study test will be Friday, February 19th.
***I will be giving out a new list of Word Study assignments tomorrow, students will no longer be required to accumulate 200 points of assignments, but will be expected to do one assignment each night.  If students know ahead of time that a particular day of the week is busy due to other obligations like sports practice or family events, please have them complete assignments ahead of time.***
Math: Please make sure your child is going on Reflex Math two times a week unless told otherwise by your child's math teacher.
VA Studies: Students did very well on the American Revolution Unit Test!  We will begin to learn about the Founding Fathers this week.  Students will have a quiz on Thursday, February 11th, and their VA Studies Weekly Newspapers are due Thursday as well.
Science: We will begin our unit on electricity this week!  

Important Dates:
Monday, February 8th:  Pennies for Patients Campaign Begin (More information at the bottom of this post!)
Monday, February 8th, 6:30 pm:  PTA General Meeting in the Library at school
Tuesday, February 9th, 6:30 pm: 5th Grade Play at John Champe High School
Wednesday, February 10th, 11:00 - 12:00: Valentine's Day Party!
Friday, February 12th:  2nd Quarter Report Cards Go Home
Monday, February 15th:  Presidents' Day - No school
Monday, February 15th:  Random Acts of Kindness Week Begins
Thursday, February 16th, 7:00 pm:  Elementary Gifted Information Session at Buffalo Trail Elementary School
Thursday, February 18th: Monday Schedule
Friday, February 19th: Principal's List Assembly (I will send out a time when I have one, it's definitely in the morning!)
Friday, February 19th, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm:  Someone Special Dance 

Monday, February 22nd:  Spirit Week Begins:
  Monday:  Wear Pinebrook Gear
  Tuesday:  Twin Day
  Wednesday:  Wacky Wear / Wacky Hair Day
  Thursday:  Throwback or Backwards Day
  Friday:  Dress Like It's Saturday

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2:35 - 4:00 pm:  Jump Rope for Heart (Grades 1 & 2) in the gym at school

Tuesday, March 1st: Virginia Presidential Primary Election
Thursday, March 3rd: Spring Photos
Monday, March 8th, 6:30 pm:  PTA Fine Arts and Cultures Night
Wednesday, March 9th:  3rd Quarter Interim Progress Reports Go Home
Monday, March 14th, 6:30 pm:  PTA General Meeting in the Library at School
Monday, March 21st - Friday, March 25th:  Spring Break

Pennies for Patients:
What: Pennies for Patients is a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Pinebrook community will be raising funds. 
Where: Our classroom and school. Students may bring in money and deposit in our classroom collection box, they will be given their own box to collect donations tomorrow.
When: Feb 8th-26th. 
Why: It is a service learning, character education and philanthropy program that gives students a unique experience by making a difference through teamwork—working together to aid thousands of children and adults in the fight against blood cancers like leukemia.
Dates to remember:
Monday Feb 8th- P4P begins. Students will take home information and their own box!
Our Goal is $3000.00 I am sure we reach it with your help and encouragement! We raised $2,700 last year, we know we can reach $3,000.

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