Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Clarification for Colonial Performance on Tuesday

A few things...

The performance is Tuesday, April 19th at 8:30 AM  (Sorry, I said PM in the first post!)

Please have your son or daughter come dressed on Tuesday for the performance, there will not be time for them to change before the performance.  Have your child bring a change of clothes as well  for afterwards.  

Children do not need to be dressed in colonial clothing for their presentations.  I know the original form I sent home said that they do, but I'd rather their costumes be fresh for the performance, and don't want them to wear them unnecessarily two days in a row.  

Clothing for boys: I know I originally said khaki pants, but black pants, or any pants that aren't jeans or sweatpants, are just fine.  Boys can wear white knee socks over the pants, and a button down.

Clothing for girls: Girls can wear dresses or a top and long skirt that are colonial colors (any color but neon colors really!)  They should have an apron on /over their skirt/ dress as well.

If you have any questions about clothing or the performance, please don't hesitate to send me an email!  aakbar@lcps.org

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