Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekly Update for the Week of April 11th, 2016

Heads up, there is A LOT of important information in this update, please read the entire thing!

Read-A-Thon Pizza Party Permission Slip!
Our class won the 4th Grade Pizza Party for having the most sponsors for the Read-A-Thon!!!  A permission slip will go home inside your child's agenda on Monday, IT MUST BE RETURNED BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th!!!  Please keep in mind that the school is just supplying pizza, and you should still send in any supplemental snacks, fruit, and drinks.  Thanks!!!

The Standards of Learning Assessment (SOL Assessment) window opens May 13th.  We should be finding out the specific dates of each test (VA Studies, Reading, and Math) very soon.  As soon as I find out, I will pass that information on to you!

This week in Academia...

Virginia Studies: Students will continue to learn about Reconstruction, including what life was like for freed slaves, the problems faced by Virginia's economy, and the importance of railroads, new industries, and the growth of new cities.  The Reconstruction Unit Test will be this Thursday, April 14th!  This is a fairly short unit, and we will be spending a lot of time on it this week.  As always, students should be using to review as well as their notebooks.
COLONIAL PROJECT REMINDER: Projects are due Monday, April 18th!  Please refer back to the expectation sheet and rubric that went home two weeks ago!  

COLONIAL FAIR REMINDER: Students will sing and play instruments for the Colonial Fair on Tuesday, April 19th at 8:30 pm in the gym.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to come!  All students are expected to be dressed in colonial type clothing.
   Boys:  White button down shirt, Khaki pants, pull knee high white socks up over pants for the colonial look!
   Girls: Long skirt or long dress with a white apron

Here's a photograph from last year's show to give you some ideas (students should NOT wear a Native American costume though!)Picture

Science:  Every year after the Ecosystems unit, fourth grade decides to pause teaching science in an effort to prepare students for the upcoming SOL assessments.  We will use the time we usually spend teaching science on reading, math, and Virginia studies.  This week we will be spending science time teaching Reconstruction.  We will resume teaching science, specifically plants, in May, after the VA Studies SOL test.

Students are enjoying inferring during reading, and read some amazing picture books that challenged their thinking, ask them about it and if they like Chris Van Allsburg! Students had an opportunity to pick their books this time for our new book club groups, and wrote their book club constitutions.  For the next few weeks we will be working in book club groups to implement all the different strategies we've learned throughout the year, as well as begin on our test prep and reviewing testing strategies,

Students will have a different kind of word study this week.  We are going to focus on common prefixes, suffixes, and root words over the next three days, and students will have a quiz on Thursday, April 14th.  All of the prefixes, suffixes, and root words are review from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade.  (For example, the suffix "-s, -es" means the plural of something, for example, "boxes" means more than one box.)  Students will receive a packet tomorrow of the homework assignments they are expected to complete each night.  The quiz on Thursday will require them to know the meanings of each of the prefixes, suffixes, and root words, as well as be able to provide an example.

Monday, April 11th: PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm
Thursday, April 14th: End of third quarter, TRIPLE PLAY!!!
Friday, April 15th: LCPS Planning Day, NO SCHOOL  (What a great day to finish up the final touches on the Colonial Project!)
Monday, April 18th: COLONIAL PROJECT DUE!
Tuesday, April 19th: COLONIAL FAIR from 8:30 to 9:30!  Come watch!
Thursday, April 21st: WILLIAMSBURG FIELD TRIP!  Students need to be at the school at 6:00 am!
Wednesday, April 27th: Report Cards Sent home

Camp STEAM-tacular 
Pinebrook's summer STEAM camp -spots are filling up! Camp will be Monday, June 20th to Friday, June 24th, from 9 am to  3 pm each day. Open to Kindergarten through 5th grade. Each grade has it's own theme and will be fun and educational! Don't miss it!
Register at

Focus on Nature Photo Contest
The Purcellville Gazette and The Nature Generation, an environmental nonprofit in Loudoun County, believe photography can inspire positive change of attitudes and behaviors. In celebration of Earth Day, we invite readers to submit photos of Loudoun County with a “Focus on Nature.”
One winner, runner up, student and “people’s choice” photo will be selected in each of these two categories:
1. General - shots that inspire you and remind you to care for the Earth
2. Nature Selfies - you in an outside place that you want to preserve and protect

Entries due by Earth Day, April 22.
Winners will be published in the April 29th issue of the Purcellville Gazette.
Enter at

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