Sunday, April 17, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, April 17th, 2016

Can you believe it snowed last weekend?  I hope your family had an opportunity to enjoy the glorious weather this yesterday and today, hopefully it will stay this beautiful for our field trip to Williamsburg on Thursday!

This email has A LOT of information in it, including information regarding the colonial project, colonial performance, and the field trip.   (If you are a chaperone, you will get a separate email.)

All projects are due tomorrow!  If your child has a digital presentation, please have him or her bring it in on a zip/thumb/ flash drive. All other props, posters, or other materials should be brought in tomorrow as well.
Your child DOES NOT need to wear colonial clothes tomorrow!  I believe the music teachers may have asked them to wear them for the rehearsal tomorrow, I will speak with Mrs. Hoffmaster and let her know that I asked that they do NOT wear them tomorrow, only on Tuesday!  
If your child presents his or her colonial project tomorrow, he or she does NOT need to wear an outfit unless it is part of his or her presentation.

The performance will be at 8:30 am in the gym.  Your child SHOULD COME TO SCHOOL DRESSED in HIS OR HER COLONIAL OUTFIT!  There will not be time to change prior to the performance.  Please have your child bring a change of clothes, I will give them an opportunity to change prior to PE.  If you have any questions regarding what he or she should wear, please refer to my earlier blog posts.  We hope you can make it!

I will remind the students every day this week, but want to remind you as well:
1) Buses will NOT pick up your children from their bus stop, YOU need to provide transportation for your child to Pinebrook.  Students and chaperones should be here at 6:00 am!  Go to the GYM and find me, Ms. Akbar to check in.
2) If your child is going home with another parent (for example, you know your neighbor is a chaperone and can drive your child home) YOU MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION saying that I have permission to send your child home with that parent!  If I don't have a note, I can't send your child home with someone else!  (Even if the adult says, "Johnny's mom said I can take him!"  I am not allowed to send him home with that adult without a note!)
3) The weather is supposed to be clear and nice, without any rain!  HOWEVER!  At 6:00 am in Aldie, and on the bus, and maybe on the way home - it will not be 70 and sunny, please do not let your child show up in a t-shirt and shorts, please dress him or her in layers!  If your child has any Pinebrook clothes, please have him or her wear them, OR wear maroon or navy.
4) Make sure your child brings his or her own snack and lunch!  If something needs to stay cold, put a freezer pack or frozen water bottle in the lunch, we will not have coolers.  There is nowhere to buy snacks or lunch, so make sure your kiddo has enough food!  Kids may snack on the bus in the morning, please make sure they have breakfast that day!
5) On that note, there is NO reason for your child to bring money - there is no time to stop at gift shops!
6)  Please review the list I'm sending home tomorrow about things to bring (sunscreen, water bottle, sunglasses, cinch sack, etc.)
7) When picking up your child at 7:30 pm, please remember to check OUT with me so I know he or she is accounted for.
If you have ANY questions, or are missing your baby, you can call or text me at 703-307-1113 at any time!  I will do my best to text or email you photos/ updates throughout the day.  If you have any other questions, please email me or give me a call!

This week in academia...
Fourth quarter begins tomorrow, we're in the home stretch!  

All of Monday and Tuesday will primarily be spent presenting the Colonial projects and preparing/participating in the Colonial Performance.  Students will still have math, it will be from 11-12 on Tuesday.  Thursday we'll be in Williamsburg, the following applies to pretty much just Wednesday and Friday!

VA Studies:
We will begin to learn about Virginia's history in the 20th century, as well as begin reviewing for the SOL assessment in May.

Students are enjoying their new book club books, they will have their next book club meeting on Wednesday.  All students should be prepared by having read the number of pages agreed upon by their book club, and have sticky notes prepared with their opinions and thoughts.  Additionally, students will receive new reading logs this week, they are required to write a brief summary of their nightly reading on this new reading log, as well as obtain a parent signature.  Please note that students are encouraged to read their book club book at home, and their summaries can be about their book club book.

NO WORD STUDY THIS WEEK!  Language arts grades for this week will come from the colonial project presentations!

If your child is not 100% fluent in his or her multiplication and division facts, he or she should be going on Reflex Math nightly.  If you are unsure about his or her fluency, please email me and I can let you know.

I still don't have the SOL assessment schedule, I'll get it to you as soon as I do!

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