Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, April 24th, 2016

First things first!  Thank you to all the chaperones who came to Williamsburg last Thursday.  We received a lot of praise from the tour guides for having such wonderful students!  If ANY parent has any photos they would like to share with the class, please email me!

Monday - +
Pinebrook colors/spirit wear
Tuesday - College spirit day - Wear college gear or college colors
Wednesday - Interview outfit (dress to impress)
Thursday - Dress like what you want to be when you grow up
Friday - Dress like you would when you're retired 

Virginia Studies: Tuesday, May 17th from 10:15 - 12:15
Reading: Wednesday, May 25th from 8:00 - 10:00 AND Thursday, May 26th from 8:00 - 10:00
Math: Tuesday, May 31st from 8:00 - 10:00 AND Wednesday, June 1st from 8:00 - 10:00

This week in academia...

I was out Wednesday and Friday with a terrible cough and cold, so my original plans for last week are getting pushed to this week.  Our only interruptions for this week will be Career Day on Tuesday and watching the 5th grader's DARE graduation on Wednesday, so hopefully we'll get a lot in!

Virginia Studies:
We will continue to learn about Virginia in the 20th century and the Civil Rights movement in Virginia.  Your child will receive a permission slip tomorrow, stapled in his/her agenda, to give him/her permission to watch various clips from the Disney movie Remember the Titans.  PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS SLIP BY WEDNESDAY!!! Additionally, students will receive the next VA Studies Weekly newspaper, this will be due Thursday and students will have an open-note quiz Thursday as well.  In preparation for the Virginia Studies SOL assessment, students will be expected to complete a few games/ activities nightly on  A schedule will be sent home this week, students may complete these assignments in advance if necessary, but I encourage students to try to stick to the schedule so that they don't do all their studying super far in advance of the test!  Though the list may seem long, everything your child does on solpass, they should have done at some point earlier in the year, so this is all review.
**I will give students in-class time to complete these activities and games as well and initial what they complete.**
Thank you so much for your support :)  As a heads up, if a game or activity doesn't work because of a problem with solpass and your child cannot complete the activity or game, just write "didn't work" where you would ordinarily initial.  

Students should be reading their book club book and preparing sticky notes to share during their book club meetings in addition to summarizing nightly on their reading log.  In addition to book club meetings this week, we will begin to discuss "Test Talk," the language test writers use on the SOL assessment, and begin to discuss and employ test taking strategies.  Students will also practice using all their reading strategies to demonstrate their comprehension on various passages.

Students will receive their next group of Word Study words, their next word study test will be Friday, May 6th.  

Every morning students are expected to complete a page or two in one of three "SOL Review Morning Work Books."  The majority of students complete this in ample time. In the event that your child does not complete the assigned pages during morning work time, he or she will be asked to complete it for homework so that we can check all the answers as a class the next day.  If you see any of these books come home, please understand that it is because your child did not complete the work during the given time.  Also - as we check our answers in these books, I ask that students highlight the questions they answered incorrectly so that they can go back and review the questions they missed.

Monday, April 25th: Puma Pounce Begins
Tuesday, April 26th: Career Day
Wednesday, April 27th: Report Cards go home
Wednesday, May 4th: Walk to School Day
Monday, May 16th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30

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