Thursday, October 15, 2015

Important Thursday Folder Items!

Parents - in addition to graded papers in today's "Thursday Folder,"  there are two items I need to point out.

1) Recorder forms - these went home in last week's Thursday Folder, there will be another form in today's Thursday folder if I haven't received one back yet.  Please sign it even if your child already has a recorder and have your child bring it back in tomorrow.  They are due tomorrow!
2) Picture Day Form - I received the following information:
    Ordering instructions: 
1. Pick a Pose and 2.  Pick A Background Selection 
3. Insert Payment or online payment information
4. Return envelope.  
Please make it clear to your students that they must bring back their picture envelopes for fall pictures with payment inside or online payment information.  
Parents can pay online, but the photographers will still need the payment envelopes to know which background the pictures require.

The Planets quiz and Word Study test are tomorrow!  Please refer to my previous email regarding what is covered on these tests.

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