Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly Update, October 18th, 2015

Among drinking pumpkin flavored coffee and sleeping in on the weekends, I also enjoy checking Word Study homework.  Although the word was used incorrectly, I love this drawing too much not to share:

Don't we all?

Please don't forget to send me a photo of your child if you did anything noteworthy this weekend, the kids love seeing themselves on the front board!

Here's what's coming up this week in:

Virginia Studies: Students will have their test on Native Americans on Tuesday, October 20th.  A study guide went home with students on Friday.  Great resources to use to study always include the study guide, their notebooks, and  The study guides I provide are straight from if you ever need to print another one!  We will begin learning about Jamestown following the Native Americans unit.

Science: We're sticking with astronomy and will be learning more about moon phases this week.  The quiz/test on this unit will be next week.

Reading: Students are LOVING our new Read Aloud book Blood on the River by Elisa Carbone.  It is a historical fiction novel about a 10 year old boy who is the servant to John Smith and how the British colonized Jamestown.  This week we will continue to learn about characters and how to describe their traits.  Ask your child about it!

Writing: Students will receive new Word Study words this week and their next Word Study test will be on Friday, October 30th.  Thank you for reviewing their work and making sure students are doing the assignments correctly!  This week we will continue to incorporate adjectives into our writing and editing our work.

Upcoming Important Dates:   
Monday, October 19th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Wednesday, October 21st: Picture Day
Wednesday, October 21st: Parent Homework Help Workshop @ 6:30
Saturday, October 24th: Fall Festival from 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Monday, October 26th: Parents Night for Phoenix Grading @ 6:30
Thursday, October 29th: Family Life Education begins
Thursday, October 29th: Ms. Akbar's Class Party from 10:50 - 12:05
Friday, October 30th: End of Grading Period
Monday, November 2nd and 3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences

As always, if you have  any questions, concerns, or information you think I need to know - please email me!  

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