Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weekly Update, October 25th, 2015

What a lovely fall weekend, I enjoyed seeing many of you at the Fall Festival yesterday!  This is the last week of the 1st quarter, and we have an eventful Thursday!  Thanks to those of you who sent photos of your darlings, I always appreciate them, and feel free to send me photos even if you've already sent some.  I LOVE posting Halloween photos!

The Week Ahead in Academia...

Science: Students will continue to learn about the Earth, Moon, and Sun relationships, specifically the eight phases of the moon and the reason for the seasons.  We will have a quiz on the eight moon phases on Friday, October 30th.  Students chorally read the poem "The Moon Cycle" every day last week, and learned most of the phases last year in third grade.  I will send home a study guide tomorrow for the Earth/Moon/Sun Science Unit, however, the quiz on Friday will only cover the moon phases.

Virginia Studies: It's 1607 and the British colonists have landed!  We began learning about the Jamestown settlement at the end of last week and will continue to learn about the reasons colonists settled in Jamestown, the hardships they faced, and everything else that comes along with this economic venture.  Ask your child what an economic venture is and if they can give you an example!  Students will have an open-note VA Studies Weekly Quiz on Jamestown on Wednesday, October 28th.  Students as usual will be able to use the VA Studies Weekly that I gave them last week to find their answers.  

Writing: Students are learning subject and verb agreement, as well as how to use pronouns correctly and began writing an opinion piece presenting their opinion on whether or not Minecraft should be played in schools.  Hopefully these will be completed by the end of the week!  The Word Study Test will be given on Friday, October 30th.    Students are expected to spell their words correctly, use five of the words given in a sentence that is a minimum of 7 words, come up with two words that would fit in their sort, and explain their sort to me.  Please refer to the previous graded Word Study test if you feel your child needs to be refreshed of the format of the test!  There shouldn't be any surprises!

Reading: Students appear to be captivated by Samuel's new adventure as he lands in the New World in our Read Aloud, Blood on the River.  This historical fiction book was actually written by a Virginia Studies teacher, and reinforces all the content we teach regarding the Jamestown unit.  Students will be focusing on non-fiction reading this week and identifying non-fiction text features.

The Week Ahead, Important Dates:

Monday, October 26th: NO PHOENIX PARENT MEETING!  It was cancelled!
Thursday, October 29th: Family Life Education begins
Thursday, October  29th: Fall Party from 10:50 - 12:05
Friday, October 30th: Last Day of the Quarter

Monday, November 2nd and 3rd: Conferences!  I will email you individually to remind you of your conference time!

PHOENIX Questions: Regarding grading, we were hoping to have some questions answered tomorrow by our Phoenix contact at a meeting tomorrow, however this has been cancelled.  The LCPS staff is still learning this system and if you are frustrated, please know that we are too!  I will do my best to answer your questions at our conferences, but please make sure you are looking at every page of what I send home in Thursday folders to familiarize yourself with how your child is doing in each subject.  There are often a variety of grades tied to one assignment, which is a new expectation of the grading system.  

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