Monday, October 12, 2015

Weekly Update, October 12th, 2015

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend and the lovely weather!  If you have any photos to share with me of your kiddos from weekend activities, I will proudly display them on our morning message - thank you to those parents who have already sent me a fun photo of their child in action!

The Week Ahead:
Have your child bring a blanket or towel to school tomorrow!  They have earned a picnic lunch outside for positive behavior in the cafeteria!  (Students who do not want to eat outside may still eat in the cafeteria.)

Science: Students will begin to learn about our 8 planets. (When I was a kid there were 9!)  This is a brief unit and students are responsible for knowing the planets in order from the sun as well as the order of the planets from largest to smallest.  We will learn this tomorrow in class and some fun ways to remember the orders. The quiz on the planets will be this Friday, October 16th!

Virginia Studies: Students will finish learning about the Native Americans that first inhabited Virginia this week.  They will be expected to complete Virginia Studies Week 5 which explains how the Native Americans used natural resources to survive.  This Newspaper will be due on Friday, and as always, the crossword puzzle must be completed, questions must be answered, and newspaper must be highlighted to show where the student found his or her answers.  The Native Americans Test will be on Tuesday, October 20th.

Reading: Students had mixed emotions about the ending of The Tiger Rising.  They may have shared with you that they wrote eulogies for the tiger!   This week we will begin Blood on the River, a historical fiction novel about the establishment of Jamestown.  We will begin to look really closely at characters and how the author includes specific details to really teach us about characters.  As your students read their 20 minutes nightly, ask them follow-up questions like, "What can you tell me about the character in your book?"  Make sure they give you specific examples from the book!  (We describe characters through their actions and dialogue.)

Writing: Students will have a review about plagiarizing and paraphrasing tomorrow.  We will review adjectives and begin writing a quick persuasive "Book Buzz" about their independent reading in class and try to get another classmate to read their book through some strong writing!  Their Word Study Test will be on Friday, October 16th!  Students will be expected to spell their words correctly, use five of their words in a meaningful sentence, come up with two other words that would fit in their sort, and explain the rules of their sort to me.  

Other Calendar Events:
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 13th: MONDAY Schedule
Wednesday, October 14th: Earthquake and Fire Drill in the afternoon
Saturday, October 17th: Stone Ridge 5K
Monday, October 19th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 21st: Picture Day!
Saturday, October 24th: Fall Festival at Pinebrook 4 - 7 PM
Monday, October 26th: Parent Night for Phoenix Grading at 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 29th: Family Life Education, Fall Party
Friday, October 30th: End of 1st Quarter

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