Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Snow Days!

Are you thinking, "Ms. Akbar did WHAT?!"

Yes, I gave the students homework on their snow days.
No, it should not take them all day.

As I explained to students today, they are expected to complete the following on EVERY snow day:
1. 20 minutes of Reflex Math (Yes, even if they are fluent.  After a certain period of time, students no longer show up as fluent, so a refresher session is important.)
2. Reading for 30 minutes
3. Play 3 games on  Reminder, the password is "pinebrook"

Regarding the other materials I sent home:
Day 1 additional expectations:

  • The reading passage and 6 questions on the back.
  • Tell everyone in your family you love them and why.
  • Clean something that your parents ask you to.

Day 2 additional expectations:

  • The main idea and supporting details practice pages.
  • Play with an old toy you haven't played with in a while.
  • Cuddle with your mom or dad or both.
Day 3 additional expectations:
  • The Scholastic News Weekly Reader - questions 1-10 on the back, highlight or underline where you find the answers
  • The two-sided worksheet that goes with the Scholastic News.
  • Call a relative who doesn't live close by and talk with them.  

If your family is enjoying the day together and playing in the snow, or watching a movie, or doing something together - please make sure your child knows that THAT is more important than anything I am assigning.  The main reason I am assigning work is 1) because I've been told  that I am supposed to and 2) kids can get bored when they're cooped up inside and it's nice to keep their brains active.  If your child is unable to complete any of the work, please email or send in a note.  Also, if you have any suggestions for future snow days (take all the clothes out of your closet that are too small for you, organize all the Tupperware, bake cookies, a family snow day tradition, etc.)  please feel free to share them with me so I can pass them along to the other parents!

My intentions with the Snow Day folder were good, I promise!!!

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