Sunday, January 10, 2016

Weekly Update, January 10th, 2016

What a surprising afternoon of nice weather!  If we aren't getting snow, at least we're getting some sunshine and 60 degree weather :)

This week in...

Virginia Studies: Queen Akbar will continue to tax her colonists this week as we continue to learn about the American Revolution, the roles of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and James Lafayette, the three groups that the colonists became part of, and the roles of various groups during this time.  The VA Studies Weekly Newspaper #17 is due Wednesday, January 13th, and there will be an open-note quiz that day as well.

Science: Students enjoyed playing with the Hot Wheels cars and tracks on Friday!  As we learn about force and motion, students will be experimenting with Hot Wheels to discover the properties of force and motion.  Students will have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, January 12th.  Students are expected to know the following terms and be able to use them in sentences that demonstrate they understand them: force, motion, acceleration, speed, position, direction, friction, mass

Writing: Students completed typing their New Year's Resolutions essays this week!  I'm almost finished grading them, and they should go home on Thursday.  Students will have their Word Study test in on Friday, and have 200 total points due!

Reading: Students worked very well last week to demonstrate their understanding of sensory words.  This week they will continue to review their understanding of various reading concepts in both fiction and non-fiction texts.  As always, students are expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes nightly and record their reading in their reading log.  Please encourage your child to read aloud a few minutes nightly.  

Math: Please make sure your child is on Reflex Math at least two nights a week unless he or she is already fluent, or unless his or her math teacher has instructed otherwise.  

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, January 11th: After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP) Begins, PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Thursday, January 14th: Geography Bee @ 8:30
Monday, January 18th: Martin Luther King Jr., Day Holiday, No School
Wednesday, January 20th: Monday Schedule, Spelling Bee  @ 8:30
Thursday, January 28th: End of 2nd Quarter
Friday,  January 29th: LCPS Planning Day, No School
Thursday, February 4th: Character Parade
Monday, February 8th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Wednesday, February 10th: Valentine's Day Party, 10:30 - 12:00
Monday, February 15th: President's Day, No School

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