Monday, January 18, 2016

Weekly Update, January 18th, 2016

There is A LOT of information in this post, please read to the very end!

This week in...

Science: Students loved learning about force, motion, and energy with the Hot Wheels this week.  On Friday they were even responsible for teaching their first grade buddies the difference between kinetic and potential energy.  Ask them how that went!  As I mentioned to the class last week, the unit test on Force and Motion will be tomorrow, January 19th.  I made sure students brought home their science notebooks, and encouraged them to use their science textbook and to study.

Virginia Studies: After taxing students for the past two weeks and taking the role of the British government, I almost forgot... I should start preparing my own taxes!  Is your child a patriot, loyalist, or a neutralist?  We will be completing our Revolutionary War foldable this week and the unit test for the American Revolution will be Wednesday, January 27th.  There will be no VA Studies Weekly newspaper this week.

Language Arts: Due to both the MLK holiday today and the LCPS planning day next Friday, I will not be assigning Word Study for the next two weeks.  Students will receive short writing prompts nightly that use and apply what we learned in class that day.   These assignments will be glued into their writing notebooks.  The expectations for these assignments are as follows:
Writing homework must include:
*A topic sentencec
*At least one paragraph unless told otherwise
*Correct spelling
*Complete sentences

Reading: Students practiced summarizing fiction last week and will focus on interpreting characters in their fiction books this week.  As always, students are expected to read 20 minutes nightly and record their reading in their reading log.  Please have your child read for at least 5 of these 20 minutes out loud!  Additionally, as reading assignments come home in Thursday folders, please review missed questions with your child so he or she understands his or her mistakes.

Math: Reflex Math is expected at least TWICE weekly for all students who are not as yet 100% fluent unless told otherwise by your child's math teacher!


WILLIAMSBURG PAYMENTS: I will begin accepting payments and permission slips for the Williamsburg field trip TOMORROW!  There are three payment windows as specified on the back of the information sent home last Thursday.  Chaperones: please send in your payment during these windows as well!

SNOW DAYS: In the next coming days I will be putting together a "Snow Day" packet for students to complete in the event we have a snow day!  (Don't worry, it isn't anything overwhelming - One session of Reflex, some review work, reading, and some silly activities!)

CHARACTER BOOK PARADE: On February 4th, your student will participate in the Book Parade around the school building.  He or she is to choose a character from a book they read this year and dress up like that character, as well as carry the book.  (If you no longer have the book, the student can carry a print out of the book cover.)  If you have not already, please send in the bottom portion of the paper sent home last week.  

VALENTINE'S DAY PARTY: On Friday I will be sending home two things (on one sheet of paper) 1) A class list of names for Valentine's Day cards 2) Information about the Valentine's Day Box Creating Contest.  As you begin shopping for or creating Valentine's Day cards for students, please ensure that each student receive a Valentine if you are participating.  Treats and candy are not allowed to be distributed, however pencils, markers, stickers, erasers, and other non-edibles are great!  Thank you!

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 20th: Monday Schedule, Spelling Bee  @ 8:30
Thursday, January 28th: End of 2nd Quarter
Friday,  January 29th: LCPS Planning Day, No School
Thursday, February 4th: Character Parade
Monday, February 8th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30
Wednesday, February 10th: Valentine's Day Party, 10:30 - 12:00
Monday, February 15th: President's Day, No School

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me at  

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