Sunday, January 3, 2016

Weekly Update, Sunday, January 3, 2016

"Hold on, you're telling me we have to go back tomorrow?!"

"I don't know how I feel about waking up before the sunrise again."

Happy New Year, I've missed your kids!  I had spending time with my nephew (above), but look forward to seeing my fourth graders tomorrow!!! I hope the past two weeks have been relaxing, fun, silly, filled with yummy food, and just plain wonderful!  Thank you all for the generous gifts and cards, if you child didn't receive a thank you card before break, he or she will tomorrow :)   I'd love to share any fun memories you made with your fourth grader over the last two weeks.  Please email me with a photo so I can post it on the morning message!

This week in...

Reading: Time got away from us the week prior to break so we'll be finishing the Extreme Weather research project tomorrow and Tuesday.  The rest of the week we'll be reviewing reading skills and strategies that we learned earlier in the year.  (author's purpose, main idea, supporting details, problem and solution, cause and effect, fact and opinion, predictions, making conclusions, etc.)  I will give out new reading logs tomorrow for the month of January.   Reading homework as always includes reading for a minimum of twenty minutes nightly and recording it on the reading log.

Writing:  Students will receive new Word Study words tomorrow, 100 points are due on Friday and the Word Study test will be Friday, January 15th.  Students will type or write their final copy of their resolutions essay this week as well.

Virginia Studies: The queen arrives tomorrow!  Ask your child what that means tomorrow after school!!!  Students will receive a new VA Studies Weekly newspaper tomorrow and we will begin our American Revolution unit.  Students will have an open-newspaper quiz on Thursday, January 7th.  

Science:  We will begin our Force and Motion unit tomorrow!

Upcoming School Dates  (I haven't received an update since December, so more events may be added this week, I'll send out a revised list if anything else pops up!

Mon. Jan. 11th: ASEP begins
Mon. Jan. 11th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30 pm
Thurs. Jan. 14th: Geography Bee @ 8:30 am
Mon. Jan. 18th: MLK Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL
Thurs. Jan. 28th: 2nd Quarter Grading Period Ends
Friday. Jan. 29th: Teacher Planning/ Workday, Movable Student Holiday

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